Hello, in this blog you are going to find the tools to study for TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test).
This site, like the TKT tests, is divided in 3 modules, in each module you are going to find the main information of each unit, just click in the name of the unit.
All the information o this site was retrieved from the TKT course book, second edition.
Spratt, M., Pulverness, A., & Williams, M. (2012). The TKT Teaching Knowledge Test Course Modules 1,2 and 3 (Vol. Second edition). United Kingdom: Cambridge English.
All the information o this site was retrieved from the TKT course book, second edition.
Spratt, M., Pulverness, A., & Williams, M. (2012). The TKT Teaching Knowledge Test Course Modules 1,2 and 3 (Vol. Second edition). United Kingdom: Cambridge English.